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Chamber Blue

Grow Clay County is excited to announce that we are partnering with over 46 other Chambers in Kansas to bring Chamber Blue of Kansas health insurance. This Blue Cross Blue Shield large group policy should help small, medium, and even larger businesses lower their health care premiums and at the same time, offer a variety of robust plans.

By Blue Cross Blue Shield estimates, this plan has the potential to have between 3,000 to 6,000 policies. That is great “buying power” to help keep costs lower and, most importantly, keep costs more steady year to year. 


As an association health plan, Chamber Blue of Kansas is working with Kansas Chambers to provide organizations like yours access to health insurance savings associated with large group medical coverage.

Chamber Blue of Kansas Informational Webinar

  • The buying power of over 46 Chambers in the state of Kansas with an estimated group size of 3,000 to 6,000 policies.

  • Lower rates with stability from year to year.

  • Lower yearly increases.

  • Composite rating – A uniform rate for the group based on average risk rather than rating each member individually or by age.

  • Attract and retain top talent with your insurance benefit offering: health, dental, life, and disability.

  • More choices with a variety of health insurance plan options to choose from.

  • Receive a dedicated account management team with one-on-one support on site, virtually or via telephone.

  • No health questionnaires for businesses who complete an interest survey in August 2022.

  • Great for businesses of all sizes.

  • You are not obligated to accept the quote if the insurance does not fit your needs.

Plan Highlights

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How it Works

  • Participate in the interest survey this August (must participate to be eligible for enrollment). 

  • You do not have to be a current Chamber member to get rate quotes; however, you must be a member of the Grow Clay County by enrollment to take the insurance.

  • Employ two or more W-2 employees unless your business is filing taxes as an S-Corp or a C-Corp.

  • Must have 70% of eligible employees enroll in the group health plan. Figured by taking eligible FTE minus those will outside coverage times 70%.

  • The employer will pay 25% of the lowest cost plan offered.

The first year is the best year to start this plan because BCBSKS will not require health histories in year one and you are guaranteed admittance. After the initial interest survey and rate structure is created, businesses will then be rated on their health histories and may not be allowed in the plan.

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